Show Your Work 10

10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered


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Stick Around.

Words & phrases

stick around: v.逗留;在附近徘徊

Stick around; we'll need you to help us later.


Don't Quit Your Show.

Every career is full of ups and downs, and just like with stories, when you’re in the middle of living out your life and career, you don’t know whether you’re up or down or what’s about to happen next. “If you want a happy ending,” actor Orson Welles wrote, “that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.” Author F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote, “There are no second acts in American life,” but if you look around you’ll notice that not only are there second acts, there are third, fourth, and even fifth ones. (If you’re reading the obituaries every morning, by now you already know this.)

Words & phrases

ups and downs: 起起落落,波折:指生活、事业或情感等方面的顺利与困难,成功与失败。

Life is full of ups and downs, but we must keep moving forward.


live out: 离开工作地点居住:离开工作地点而不住在那里的情况,通常用于描述佣人等在雇主家工作但不住在雇主家的情况。

We live out in the sticks.


obituaries: n.讣(fù)告;讣闻(obituary / oʊˈbɪtʃueri / 的复数形式)

Look at the Steve Jobs obituaries.



每个职业都充满了起起落落。就像故事里描述的那样,如果你处于事业中期,你是不会知道你处于事业的中期这个事实的,因为你是局内人。你不知道接下来会发生什么。但是如果你想要一个happy ending,你就要环顾四周,找到生活的第二幕、第三幕...

The people who get what they’re after are very often the ones who just stick around long enough. It’s very important not to quit prematurely. The comedian Dave Chappelle was doing a stand-up gig in Dallas not long ago and he started joking about walking away from his lucrative deal with Comedy Central for his program, Chappelle’s Show. He said he was asked to come to a high school class and give some advice. “I guess, whatever you do, don’t quit your show,” he said. “Life is very hard without a show, kids.”

Words & phrases

be after 寻找,寻求;追赶

Intruders may be after your systems for one of two reasons: to gain access to information that they should not have, or to alter the behavior of a system in some way.


prematurely adv.过早地

Her hair became prematurely white.


lucrative adj.获利多的,赚大钱的

Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.



不要过早退出,stick around long enough. Life is very hard without a show. Do not quit your show.

“In our business you don’t quit,” says comedian Joan Rivers. “You’re holding on to the ladder. When they cut off your hands, hold on with your elbow. When they cut off your arms, hold on with your teeth. You don’t quit because you don’t know where the next job is coming from.”



“Work is never finished, only abandoned.”
—Paul Valéry

You can’t plan on anything; you can only go about your work, as Isak Dinesen wrote, “every day, without hope or despair.” You can’t count on success; you can only leave open the possibility for it, and be ready to jump on and take the ride when it comes for you.

Words & phrases

plan on 期望;根据预期未来行动

I didn't plan on winning the lottery, but it happened!


go about


She always has a lot of projects to go about.



Let's discuss how to go about solving this issue.



Rumors started to go about after the scandal.



The ship had to go about to avoid the storm.


count on 依赖,指望,信任:指在需要时期望某人或某事物提供帮助或支持。

I know I can count on you to keep our secret.


leave open the possibility of 留下……的可能性

But vulnerabilities in many segments of the critical national infrastructure leave open the possibility of bioterrorism and cyberterrorism, to name just two.




One time my coworker John Croslin and I came back from our lunch break and our building’s parking lot was completely full. We circled the sweltering lot with a few other cars for what seemed like ages, and just when we were about to give up, a spot opened and John pulled right in. As he shut off the car he said, “You gotta play till the ninth inning, man.” Good advice for both the parking lot and life in general.

Words & phrases


  • adj.包围的,圆圈的

  • v.环绕;包围(circle 的过去分词)

An eagle circled high overhead.


sweltering adj.闷热的;热得难受的

In the sweltering haze of summer-noon.


inning n.(棒球的)一局;(荒地等的)围垦;执政期;轮到显身手的机会

He struck out in the third inning.


parking lot 停车场:指专门供车辆停放的场所,通常设有标记、指示牌等设施。

The parking lot was full, so I had to park on the street.



You gotta play till the ninth inning, man. 要坚持打到第9局!Buddy!


A few years ago, there was a reality TV show on Bravo called Work of Art, where every week artists competed against one another for some cash and a chance at landing a museum show. If you won the week’s challenge, you were granted immunity for the next round, and you could breathe a little easier for the next week. The host would say something like, “Congratulations, Austin. You’ve created a work of art. You have immunity for the next challenge.”

Words & phrases

chain-smoking v.连续抽烟(chain-smoke 的现在分词)

She was nervous and edgy, still chain-smoking.


immunity n.免疫力;免除,豁免

The vaccine provides longer immunity against flu.


If only life were like “reality” TV! As every author knows, your last book isn’t going to write your next one for you. A successful or failed project is no guarantee of another success or failure. Whether you’ve just won big or lost big, you still have to face the question “What’s next?”


生活不像真人秀,上一局赢了可以豁免直接通过下一局。每个作家都知道,你的上一本书不会为你写下一本书。一个项目的成功或失败不能保证另一个项目的成功或失败。 不算你赢了还是输了,下一步是什么?你总要面对的!

If you look to artists who’ve managed to achieve lifelong careers, you detect the same pattern: They all have been able to persevere, regardless of success or failure. Director Woody Allen has averaged a film a year for more than 40 years because he never takes time off: The day he finishes editing a film is the day he starts writing the script for the next. Bob Pollard, the lead singer and songwriter for Guided by Voices, says he never gets writer’s block because he never stops writing. Author Ernest Hemingway would stop in the middle of a sentence at the end of his day’s work so he knew where to start in the morning. Singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell says that whatever she feels is the weak link in her last project gives her inspiration for the next.

Words & phrases

lifelong adj.终身的

It had been her lifelong ambition.


persevere v.锲而不舍,坚持不懈;固执己见(在辩论中)

You have to persevere with difficult students.



成功的艺术家,总是锲而不舍,不管他们成功了还是失败了。 The day he finishes editing a film is the day he starts writing the script for the next.(一个接一个) he never gets writer’s block because he never stops writing.(他永远不会有写作障碍,因为他永远不停止写作) 这真是个好方法啊!我也尝试过,确实挺有意思!共鸣共鸣。

  • Author Ernest Hemingway would stop in the middle of a sentence at the end of his day’s work so he knew where to start in the morning.

  • Singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell says that whatever she feels is the weak link in her last project gives her inspiration for the next.

Add all this together and you get a way of working I call chain-smoking. You avoid stalling out in your career by never losing momentum. Here’s how you do it: Instead of taking a break in between projects, waiting for feedback, and worrying about what’s next, use the end of one project to light up the next one. Just do the work that’s in front of you, and when it’s finished, ask yourself what you missed, what you could’ve done better, or what you couldn’t get to, and jump right into the next project.

Words & phrases

stall out



The storm is expected to stall out over the city, bringing heavy rain and strong winds.


momentum n.冲力,推力;动力,势头;动量,冲量

The vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped.



结束一个项目之后,不要等待。use the end of one project to light up the next one. 一支接一支。 圭臬:when it’s finished, ask yourself what you missed, what you could’ve done better, or what you couldn’t get to, and jump right into the next project.

“We work because it’s a chain reaction, each subject leads to the next.”
—Charles Eames

Words & phrases

chain reaction 连锁反应:一系列相互关联的事件,每一个事件都引发下一个事件的发生。它可以是由同一初始事件引发的一系列事件,也可以是一种自持续的化学或核反应,产生能量或产物,进而引发同类反应的进一步发生。

The accident caused a chain reaction of crashes on the highway.


Go Away so You Can Come Back.

“The minute you stop wanting something you get it.”
—Andy Warhol

Chain-smoking is a great way to keep going, but at some point, you might burn out and need to go looking for a match. The best time to find one is while taking a sabbatical.

Words & phrases



  • n.比赛,竞赛;火柴;敌手,旗鼓相当的人;相配的人(或物);非常相似的东西;婚姻,配偶;适合,匹配

  • v.比得上,敌得过;使成对,使相配,使相称;与……一致,与……相符;使较量,使竞赛;适应,满足;等额提供

The match flared and went out.


sabbatical / səˈbætɪkl /

  • adj.安息日的

  • n.休假(美国某些大学给大学教师每七年一次的)

He's on sabbatical.



Chain-smoking的工作方式固然好,但是你还是有可能会burn out。寻找match的方法,可选的一种说是给自己放个假吧!

The designer Stefan Sagmeister swears by the power of the sabbatical—every seven years, he shuts down his studio and takes a year off. His thinking is that we dedicate the first 25 years or so of our lives to learning, the next 40 to work, and the last 15 to retirement, so why not take 5 years off retirement and use them to break up the work years? He says the sabbatical has turned out to be invaluable to his work: “Everything that we designed in the seven years following the first sabbatical had its roots in thinking done during that sabbatical.”

Words & phrases

swear by 信赖:对某物的效用全心信任、坚信不疑

I swear by almighty God that I will tell the truth.




I, too, have experienced this phenomenon: I spent my first two years out of college working a nondemanding part-time job in a library, doing nothing but reading and writing and drawing. I’d say I’ve spent the years since executing a lot of the ideas I had during that period. Now I’m hitting my seven-year itch, and I find myself needing another period to recharge and get inspired again.

Words & phrases

nondemanding adj.不苛求的,不过分要求的:对人或事物没有过高的要求或期望。

He is a nondemanding boss who trusts his employees.


Now I’m hitting my seven-year itch: 现在我碰到了我的七年之痒了。


  • v.(使)发痒;渴望,热望

  • n.痒;<非正式>渴望,热望

She has an itch to travel.



七年之痒。哈哈,学个英文表述。很不错! hit my seven-year itch.

Of course, a sabbatical isn’t something you can pull off without any preparation. Sagmeister says his first sabbatical took two years of planning and budgeting, and his clients were warned a full year in advance. And the reality is that most of us just don’t have the flexibility in our lives to be able to walk away from our work for a full year. Thankfully, we can all take practical sabbaticals—daily, weekly, or monthly breaks where we walk away from our work completely. Writer Gina Trapani has pointed out three prime spots to turn off our brains and take a break from our connected lives:

Words & phrases


  • adj.已警告的

  • v.警告(warn 的过去分词)

He warned us against pickpockets.


prime spot 黄金地段:一个地理位置优越、人流量大或具有特殊价值的地区。

The restaurant is located in a prime spot in the city center.



sabbatical不是直接休假,还是需要你做一点准备的。但是我们也没有那么灵活的时间,一次休一年。那怎样做呢?这里有3条prime spots:

  • commute

  • exercise

  • nature

Commute. A moving train or subway car is the perfect time to write, doodle, read, or just stare out the window. (If you commute by car, audiobooks are a great way to safely tune out.) A commute happens twice a day, and it nicely separates our work life from our home life.

Words & phrases


  • v.通勤,上下班往返;减轻(刑罚);代偿;(两个运算,两个量)可交换

  • n.通勤,上下班交通路程

So how long is your commute?


commute by car 开车上下班:使用汽车作为通勤交通工具。

I usually commute by car because it's more convenient.



  • v.(尤指厌烦或心不在焉时)乱涂;随意弹奏;闲混

  • n.(心不在焉地)乱涂的图画;蠢人

I often doodle when I'm on the phone.


stare out 直视某人使其不舒服:直视某人的眼睛,使其感到不舒服并移开目光。

Take two minutes to stare out the window.


audiobooks n.有声读物(把文字录制成语音的“有声书”)

Around the spring festival in 2014, he started listening to audiobooks (音频书).


tune out v.关掉;不理睬

Children rapidly tune out if you go beyond them.


Exercise. Using our body relaxes our mind, and when our mind gets relaxed, it opens up to having new thoughts. Jump on the treadmill and let your mind go. If you’re like me and you hate exercise, get a dog—dogs won’t let you get away with missing a day.

Words & phrases

open up to 向某人敞开心扉,坦诚相待

A conversation like this will get them to start to like you and maybe even more open up to ideas that you have.


treadmill / ˈtredmɪl / n.跑步机;(过去通常用以惩罚犯人的)踏车;枯燥重复的工作

She says she is able to take Zumba exercise classes three times a week and work out on the treadmill twice a week.


Nature. Go to a park. Take a hike. Dig in your garden. Get outside in the fresh air. Disconnect from anything and everything electronic.



  1. 通勤(摩托车 + podcast)

  2. 锻炼(游泳 | 羽球)

  3. 自然(种植茉莉花 & 绿萝)

It’s very important to separate your work from the rest of your life. As my wife said to me, “If you never go to work, you never get to leave work.”

“Every two or three years, I knock off for a while. That way, I’m constantly the new girl in the whorehouse.”
—Robert Mitchum

Words & phrases

knock off:


I'm going to knock off early today and go to the movies.




whorehouse n.青楼;妓院

Start Over. Begin Again.

“Whenever Picasso learned how to do something, he abandoned it.”
—Milton Glaser

When you feel like you’ve learned whatever there is to learn from what you’re doing, it’s time to change course and find something new to learn so that you can move forward. You can’t be content with mastery; you have to push yourself to become a student again. “Anyone who isn’t embarrassed of who they were last year probably isn’t learning enough,” writes author Alain de Botton.

Words & phrases

be content with 以……为满足

If Simon had not, early in life, learnt to be content with his life, he might never have been given those chances.


mastery n.精通,熟练掌握;控制,驾驭

She has mastery of several languages.


be embarrassed of: 感到尴尬

Know that if your teen gets into hot water, he may be too embarrassed or afraid of your wrath and disappointment to tell you, even if you have a great relationship with your teen or — think you do.



to move forward: 学会了一个新的,就去学另一个吧! 不能因为熟练而满足,要把自己变成学生again。 callback to ResearchMethod: 博士生与普通人的区别,不是三头六臂,其实是在学习方面更有策略,思考得更深。

The comedian Louis C.K. worked on the same hour of material for 15 years, until he found out that his hero, George Carlin, threw out his material every year and started from scratch. C.K. was scared to try it, but once he did, it set him free. “When you’re done telling jokes about airplanes and dogs, and you throw those away, what do you have left? You can only dig deeper. You start talking about your feelings and who you are. And then you do those jokes and they’re gone. You gotta dig deeper.” When you get rid of old material, you push yourself further and come up with something better. When you throw out old work, what you’re really doing is making room for new work.

Words & phrases

throw out:


I need to throw out these old magazines.



The company decided to throw out the manager for his poor performance.






The bright red flowers throw out against the green leaves.



set sb free: 释放某人:让某人获得自由,不再受到限制或束缚。

The former president was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free.



  • v.搜寻,寻找;<非正式,旧>喜欢;挖,掘

  • n.挖苦,嘲讽;(用手指或肘部)轻碰,轻戳;考古发掘

Will you dig a little into his past and see what you find?



断舍离的另一层体现。扔掉旧的,才能不断思考新的。清除旧的,就是为新的腾出空间。make room for new work.

You have to have the courage to get rid of work and rethink things completely. “I need to sort of tear down everything I’ve done and rebuild from scratch,” said director Steven Soderbergh about his upcoming retirement from making films. “Not because I’ve figured everything out, I’ve just figured out what I can’t figure out and I need to tear it down and start over again.”

Words & phrases

tear down 拆除、摧毁或破坏

Years later, we decided to tear down our ugly house and build a beautiful one with a garden.



必须要有勇气去get rid of work,rethink things. figure out what you can't figure out. tear sth down to make room for new work.

The thing is, you never really start over. You don’t lose all the work that’s come before. Even if you try to toss it aside, the lessons that you’ve learned from it will seep into what you do next.

Words & phrases

The thing is 问题是:用于引出一个问题或解释原因。

The thing is, I've been really busy with work and school.


start over 重新开始做某事,或者某事重新开始发生

After failing the first time, she decided to start over and try again.


toss aside 丢弃:扔掉或抛弃某物。

His promotion to an executive manager made him toss aside all his care.


seep into 渗入:逐渐渗透进入某物或某地。

Many of us thrive on competition, but it can seep into areas of our lives where we do not want it.




So don’t think of it as starting over. Think of it as beginning again. Go back to chapter one—literally!—and become an amateur. Look for something new to learn, and when you find it, dedicate yourself to learning it out in the open. Document your progress and share as you go so that others can learn along with you. Show your work, and when the right people show up, pay close attention to them, because they’ll have a lot to show you.

Words & phrases

literally adv.按照字面意义地,逐字地;真正地,确实地;(用于夸张地强调)简直

I literally jumped out of my skin.


pay close attention 特别留意

Pay close attention to what I am telling you.



描述不一样,思维不一样:start over v.s. begin again. start over: 重新开始:从头开始,重新进行某事。 begin again: 重新开始:从头开始,重新进行某事。 接下来:

  • 变成业余者;

  • 寻找新事物去学习;当你找到的时候,全身心投入learn it out在公开场合;

  • 记录你的进步并分享,这样其他人就可以和你一起学习;

  • show your work, share your work. 这样等到其他人出现的时候,特别留意他们,因为,她们将会有很多东西给你看!

What Now?

Words & phrases


  • n.夜间,夜晚;晚上,傍晚;<文>黄昏;(特殊活动之)夜;黑夜,夜色;挫败时期

  • adj.夜晚的;夜晚使用的;夜间进行的;夜晚活动的

  • int.晚安(goodnight 的简称)

Roses scented the night air.
